Quick Start for Game Multimedia (AppGallery Connect)

The Game Multimedia Service is a service launched by Huawei Game Center that quickly implements real-time voice intercom and IM chat (Instant Messaging) features in games. You only need to integrate the Game Multimedia Service SDK to provide your games with real-time voice intercom, voice-to-text, instant messaging capabilities, reduce development difficulty, and enhance the player's gaming experience.

Main Features

Main Features Feature Description
Real-Time Voice The real-time voice function is mainly used to achieve real-time voice intercom capabilities between different clients. With the help of the "voice room", a virtual audio space, different players can be added to the same voice room for real-time voice calling. During real-time voice, microphone status can be set, and muting and blocking functions can be implemented. The game multimedia SDK also supports range voice capabilities and 3D sound effects, simulating spatial sound effects of the real world for immersive sound effects.
Real-Time Signaling The real-time signaling (Real-time Messaging, RTM) function provides a TypeScript SDK suitable for the Cocos engine and a server-side REST API. The function is based on Huawei's RTN network, supporting real-time sending and receiving of messages over the network, and providing stable, reliable, low-latency, and high-concurrency communication services. The RTM client SDK provides point-to-point message sending and receiving, channel subscription, and channel message sending and receiving, useful for real-time communication, global chat, game notification, command synchronization and other game scenarios. The RTM server-side API provides point-to-point message and channel message sending, useful for game announcements, message notifications, and other game scenarios.
Voice Messages The game multimedia SDK provides voice message recording, recording file upload and download, and playback capabilities. Players can record a voice message and upload the recording file to the cloud. The file ID can be sent to other players through the IM channel, allowing them to download and play the voice message.
Sound Effects Playback In game or live broadcast scenarios, it's often necessary to play short sound effects like bullet sounds or applause to enhance the sense of reality or set the scene atmosphere. The game multimedia SDK provides related interfaces for sound effect playback, useful for managing the playback of short sound effects and volume coefficients.
Voice to Text The voice-to-text function can quickly recognize real-time voice and transcribe it into text content, useful for scenarios like voice input.

Operational Mechanism

Clients integrated with the Game Multimedia Service SDK input voice information into the Huawei Game Multimedia Server. The server receives and processes this information, subsequently outputting the voice data to all clients within the room. Simultaneously, the Game Multimedia Service SDK provides an Instant Messaging (IM) feature for message conversations between different clients. By integrating the Game Multimedia Service SDK into your game and conducting simple feature development, you can swiftly build voice chat and instant messaging capabilities for your game.


Version Update Instructions

  • Current version:[3.x]1.1.0_1.13.1.300

    • Upgrade the SDK to
  • [3.x]1.0.12_1.12.2.300

    • Improve internal implementation
    • Upgrade the SDK to
  • Version: [3.x] 1.0.7_1.12.1.300

    • Fixed setting microphone callback error
  • Version: [3.x] 1.0.6_1.12.1.300

    • Fixed an error reporting the listening channel property change callback
    • Fixed errors when updating other player positions
  • Version: [3.x] 0.0.4_1.11.1.300

    • Initial release

Quick Integration of Game Multimedia

Service Activation

  • You need to activate the game multimedia feature in the Huawei AGC backend, and turn on the "Voice to Text" and "IM Chat" features. (In addition to manually enabling the IM Chat feature on the AGC console, a secondary application is required, please refer to Service Management).

  • Open the project that needs to integrate game multimedia with Cocos Creator.

  • Click on the Panel -> Service in the menu bar, open the Service panel, select Game Multimedia in HUAWEI AppGallery Connect, enter the service detail page. Then click the Enable button at the top right to activate the service.

Verify If the Service Is Successfully Activated

  • After activation, if you see hwmmsdk related files in the cs-huawei folder under assets in the project, if this folder is not available, please check the log information of the editor console.

  • You can refer to the Sample project, initialize, package into "Android" or "HUAWEI AppGallery Connect" platform, run on an Android phone, observe whether the callback can be initialized successfully, if it fails, please check whether the initialization parameters are correct and whether the package name is consistent with the AGC backend.

Sample Project

Developers can quickly experience the online battle service through the Sample project.

  • Click the Sample Project button in the analysis service panel, Clone or download HUAWEI Sample Project, and open it in Cocos Creator.

  • You need to find the hwmmsdk.ts script and modify the data to the information of the application you created.

  • After the Sample project runs on the phone, click the Hwmmsdk button on the homepage to enter the function interface for testing.

Development Guide

All APIs of Game Multimedia are asynchronous callbacks. You can use huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once to get a single callback, or use huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.on to listen to callbacks. You can use huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.off to remove callbacks.

Request Permissions

requestPermissions(guideUser: boolean, guideUserTipsText?: string, guideUserBtnText?: string): void;

Parameter Description

Parameter Description
guideUser Whether to show the guidance popup if the user has not granted permissions
guideUserTipsText The content displayed in the guidance popup
guideUserBtnText The text of the button in the guidance popup

Code Example:

requestPermissions () {
    huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.requestPermissionsCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
    this.mmsdkService.requestPermissions(true, "Permission is required to use this feature", "Go to enable");

Initialization (Instance Creation)


init(info: {
    openId: string;
    agcAppId: string;
    agcClientId: string;
    agcClientSecret: string;
    agcApiKey: string;
    logEnable: boolean;
    logSize: number;
    countryCode: string;
    useSign: boolean;
    sign: string;
    nonce: string;
    timeStamp: string;
}): void;

Parameter Description

Parameter Description
openId Unique identifier of the user, compulsory
agcAppId Procured from AGC backend, compulsory
agcClientId Procured from AGC backend, compulsory
agcClientSecret Procured from AGC backend, compulsory
agcApiKey Procured from AGC backend, compulsory
logEnable Activation of logs, compulsory
logSize Capacity of log storage, compulsory
countryCode Country code designated for gateway routing, default is 'CN', compulsory
useSign Activation of security fortification, compulsory, true or false
sign Access signature created by developer, compulsory, pass "" if security fortification is not utilized
nonce Random number of the access signature created by developer, compulsory, pass "" if security fortification is not utilized
timeStamp Timestamp of the access signature created by developer, compulsory, pass "" if security fortification is not utilized

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.initCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
let info = {
    openId: "",
    agcAppId: "",
    agcClientId: "",
    agcClientSecret: "",
    agcApiKey: "",
    logEnable: true,
    logSize: 10240,
    countryCode: "CN",
    useSign: false,
    sign: "",
    nonce: "",
    timeStamp: "",

Destroy instance

destroy(): void;


Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onDestroyCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Real-time vocal

Join the Team Room

joinTeamRoom(roomId: string): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Custom Room ID

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onJoinTeamRoomCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Join the National War Room

joinNationalRoom(roomId: string, roleType: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Custom Room ID
roleType Player role, 1 represents the commander, 2 represents the crowd

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onJoinNationalRoomCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.joinNationalRoom("XXX", 1);

Switch Room

switchRoom(roomId: string): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Custom Room ID

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onSwitchRoomCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Transfer Room Owner Identity

transferOwner(roomId: string, ownerId: string): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Custom Room ID
ownerId New Room Owner ID

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onTransferOwnerCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.transferOwner("XXX", "XXX");

Get Specific Room Information

getRoom (roomId: string): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Custom Room ID

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.getRoomCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Leave Room

leaveRoom (roomId: string, ownerId?: string): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Custom Room ID
ownerId New Room Owner ID

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onLeaveRoomCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.leaveRoom("XXX", null);

Set Microphone Status

enableMic (isEnabled: boolean): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
isEnabled true indicates on, false indicates off

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.enableMicCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Mute/Unmute Specific Player

forbidPlayer (roomId: string, openId: string, isForbidden: boolean): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Room ID
openId Player ID
isForbidden true indicates mute, false indicates unmute

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onForbidPlayerCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.forbidPlayer("XXX", "XXX", true);

Mute/Unmute All Players

forbidAllPlayers (roomId: string, isForbidden: boolean): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Room ID
isForbidden true indicates mute, false indicates unmute

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onForbidAllPlayersCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Block/Unblock Specific Player's Voice

mutePlayer (roomId: string, openId: string, isMuted: boolean): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Room ID
openId Player ID
isMuted true indicates block voice, false indicates unblock

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onMutePlayerCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.mutePlayer("XXX", "XXX", true);

Block/Unblock Other All Players' Voice

muteAllPlayers (roomId: string, isMuted: boolean): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Room ID
isMuted true indicates block voice, false indicates unblock

Code Example

 huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onMuteAllPlayersCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.muteAllPlayers(this._teamRoomId, true);

Get Current Speaking Players List


enableSpeakersDetection (roomId: string, interval: number): void;

Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Room ID
interval Current speaking players list callback interval, valid range is [100, 10000], unit: ms, when input is 0, it means to close the volume callback

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.enableSpeakersDetection("XXX", 1000);

Initialize 3D Sound Effect

initSpatialSound (): void;


Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.initSpatialSoundCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Enable/Disable 3D Sound Effect

enableSpatialSound (roomId: string, enable: boolean): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Room ID
enable Whether to enable 3D sound effect, true indicates enable, false indicates disable

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.enableSpatialSoundCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.enableSpatialSound("XXX", true);

Set Voice Receiving Range

setAudioRecvRange (range: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
range Range Integer

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.setAudioRecvRangeCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Update Self Position

updateSelfPosition (forward: number, right: number, up: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
forward The player's coordinate value on the front axis (Z axis) of the world coordinate system.
right The player's coordinate value on the right axis (X axis) of the world coordinate system.
up The player's coordinate value on the upper axis (Y axis) of the world coordinate system.

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.updateSelfPositionCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.updateSelfPosition(1, 2, 3);

Update Other Player's Position

updateRemotePosition (openId: string, forward: number, right: number, up: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
openId Target Player ID
forward The player's coordinate value on the front axis (Z axis) of the world coordinate system.
right The player's coordinate value on the right axis (X axis) of the world coordinate system.
up The player's coordinate value on the upper axis (Y axis) of the world coordinate system.

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.updateRemotePositionCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.updateRemotePosition("XXX", 1, 2, 3);

Clear Other Player's Position

clearRemotePlayerPosition (openId: string): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
openId Target Player ID

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.clearRemotePlayerPositionCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Clear Other All Players' Position Information

clearAllRemotePositions (): void;


Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.clearAllRemotePositionsCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Query 3D Sound Effect On State

isEnableSpatialSound (roomId: string): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Room ID

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.isEnableSpatialSoundCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Turn on/off voice changes

enableVoiceConversion (roomId: string, voiceType: number): int;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Room ID
voiceType Sound change type: Original sound type: Disable sound change

Code Example

let result = huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.enableVoiceConversion(this._teamRoomId, huawei.game.mmsdk.VoiceType.LOLITA);

Query the type of sound change

getVoiceConversionType (roomId: string): int;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Room ID

Code Example

let result = huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.getVoiceConversionType(this._teamRoomId);

Test the sound effect

enableEarsBack (enable: boolean): int;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
enable Turn on/off

Code Example

let result = huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.enableEarsBack(true);

Check the status of the in-ear monitors

isEarsBackEnable (): boolean;


Code Example

let result = huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.isEarsBackEnable();

Join Range Voice Room

joinRangeRoom (roomId: string): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
roomId Room ID

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onJoinRangeRoomCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Real-time Signaling

Peer-to-peer Send Message

publishRtmPeerMessage ({peerId: string, type: number, messageString: string, messageByte: Uint8Array}): void


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
peerId Peer ID
type Message type: 1 indicates text, 2 indicates binary
messageString Information
messageByte Information

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onPublishRtmPeerMessageCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.publishRtmPeerMessage(this._selfOpenId == "A" ? "B" : "A", 1, "xxxxx");

Subscribe Channel

subscribeRtmChannel (channelId: string, playerProperties: {}): void


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string
playerProperties User properties

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onSubscribeRtmChannelCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.subscribeRtmChannel("123", {name: "xxxxx", age: "18"});

Cancel Channel

unSubscribeRtmChannel (channelId: string): void


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onUnSubscribeRtmChannelCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Publish Channel Message

publishRtmChannelMessage (jsonInfo: {
    channelId: string,
    messageType: number,
    allowCacheMsg: boolean,
    contentIdentify: boolean,
    adsIdentify: boolean,
    messageString: string,
    messageBytes: Uint8Array,
    receivers: string[],
}): void`


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string
messageType Type of message: 1 indicates text, 2 indicates binary
allowCacheMsg Indicates whether historical messages are cached: true means cached, false means not cached
contentIdentify Indicates whether content risk control review is conducted: true means review is conducted, false means review is not conducted
adsIdentify Indicates whether ad recognition is conducted: true means ad recognition is conducted, false means ad recognition is not conducted
messageString String representing the message
messageBytes Binary representation
receivers List of recipients

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onPublishRtmChannelMessageCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
    channelId: "123",
    messageType: 1,
    allowCacheMsg: true,
    contentIdentify: true,
    adsIdentify: true,
    messageString: "xxxxx",
    receivers: ["A", "B"]

Establish Player Properties

setRtmChannelPlayerProperties (channelId: string, playerProperties: {}): void


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string
playerProperties Properties of the player

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onSetRtmChannelPlayerPropertiesCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.setRtmChannelPlayerProperties("123", {name: "xxxxx", age: "18"});

Query Player Properties

getRtmChannelPlayerProperties (channelId: string, openIds: string[])


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string
openIds List of player ids

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onGetRtmChannelPlayerPropertiesCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.getRtmChannelPlayerProperties("123", ["A"]);

Delete Player Properties

deleteRtmChannelPlayerProperties (channelId: string, keys: string[]): void


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string
keys Indexes of properties

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onDeleteRtmChannelPlayerPropertiesCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.deleteRtmChannelPlayerProperties("123", ["name", "age"]);

Establish Channel Properties

setRtmChannelPlayerProperties (channelId: string, playerProperties: {}): void


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string
playerProperties map of channel properties

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onSetRtmChannelPropertiesCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.setRtmChannelProperties("123", {name: "xxxxx", age: "18"});

Query Channel Properties

getRtmChannelProperties (channelId: string): void


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onGetRtmChannelPropertiesCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Delete Channel Properties

deleteRtmChannelProperties (channelId: string, keys: string[])


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string
keys Indexes of properties

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onDeleteRtmChannelPropertiesCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.deleteRtmChannelProperties("123", ["name", "age"]);

Query Channel Details

getRtmChannelInfo (channelId: string, returnMembers: boolean): void


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string
returnMembers Indicates whether member information is included

Code Example

 huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onGetRtmChannelInfoCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.getRtmChannelInfo("123", true);

Query Subscribed Channel List

getRtmSubscribedChannelInfo ():void


Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onGetRtmSubscribedChannelInfoCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Query Channel Historical Messages

getRtmChannelHistoryMessages (channelId: string, startTime: number, count: number): void


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
channelId Channel ID as a numeric string
startTime Indicates the start time
count Indicates the limit on the number of messages

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onGetRtmChannelHistoryMessagesCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.getRtmChannelHistoryMessages("123", 1700119845015, 10);

Voice Messages

Record Voice

startRecordAudioMsg (): void;


Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.startRecordAudioMsgCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Stop Recording Voice

stopRecordAudioMsg (): void;


Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onRecordAudioMsgCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Upload Audio File to Game Multimedia Server

uploadAudioMsgFile (filePath: string, msTimeOut: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
filePath Pathway to the audio file information
msTimeOut Timeout period in milliseconds, range [3000, 7000].

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onUploadAudioMsgFileCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.uploadAudioMsgFile("XXX", 5000);

Download Audio File

downloadAudioMsgFile (fileId: string, filePath: string, msTimeOut: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
fileId Unique identifier for the file to be downloaded, i.e., file ID.
filePath Storage address for the downloaded file.
msTimeOut Timeout period in milliseconds, range [3000, 7000].

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onDownloadAudioMsgFileCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.downloadAudioMsgFile("XXX", "XXX", 3000);

Play Voice Message

playAudioMsg (filePath: string): void;

Parameter Description

Parameter Description
filePath Pathway to the audio file information

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onPlayAudioMsgCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Stop Playing Voice Message

stopPlayAudioMsg (): void;

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onPlayAudioMsgCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Obtain Audio File Information

getAudioMsgFileInfo (filePath: string): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
filePath The file pathway pertaining to the audio file information.

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.getAudioMsgFileInfoCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Initiation of sound effect playback.


playLocalAudioClip (soundId: number, volume: number, filePath: string, loop: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
soundId Sound effect ID, greater than or equivalent to 0.
volume The coefficient of sound effect volume ranges between [0, 100], with the default value being 100.
filePath The pathway for the sound effect file, which may be either a local pathway or a network URL.
loop The number of cyclical plays, greater than or equivalent to zero, with a default value of zero denoting infinite repetition.

Code Example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.playLocalAudioClip(1, 100, "http://music.163.com/song/media/outer/url?id=25906124.mp3", 1);


pauseLocalAudioClip (soundId: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
soundId Sound effect ID, greater than or equivalent to 0.

Code Example


Pause all local audio clips

pauseAllLocalAudioClips (): void;


Code Example



resumeLocalAudioClip (soundId: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
soundId Sound effect ID, greater than or equivalent to 0.

Code Example


Resume all local audio clips

resumeAllLocalAudioClips (): void;


Code Example



stopLocalAudioClip (soundId: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
soundId Sound effect ID, greater than or equivalent to 0.

Code Example


Stop all local audio clips

stopAllLocalAudioClips (): void;


Code Example


Designate the volume coefficient for a specific sound effect or for all sound effects.

setVolumeOfLocalAudioClip (soundId: number, volume: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
soundId Sound effect ID, greater than or equivalent to 0.
volume The coefficient of sound effect volume ranges between [0, 100], with the default value being 100.

Code Example

    huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.setVolumeOfLocalAudioClip(1, 50);

Establish the volume coefficient for all local sound effects

setVolumeOfLocalAudioClip (volume: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
volume The coefficient of sound effect volume ranges between [0, 100], with the default value being 100.

Code Example


Procure the volume coefficient of a specified sound effect or all sound effects.

getVolumeOfLocalAudioClip (soundId: number): void;


Parameter Description

Parameter Description
soundId Sound effect ID, greater than or equivalent to 0.
volume The coefficient of sound effect volume ranges between [0, 100], with the default value being 100.

Code Example


Acquire the volume coefficient of all local sound effects.

getLocalAudioClipsVolume (): void;


Code Example


Speech to Text

Speech to Text - Start Recording

startRecordAudioToText (language: string): void;

Parameter explanation

Parameter Description
language Language code, only supports 'zh' and 'en_US'

Code example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.startRecordAudioToTextCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {
    console.log("Recording, please speak...")
huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onVoiceToTextCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {

Speech to Text - Stop Recording

stopRecordAudioToText (): void;

Code example

huawei.game.mmsdk.mmsdkService.once(huawei.game.mmsdk.API_EVENT_LIST.onVoiceToTextCallback, (result: huawei.game.mmsdk.ApiCbResult) => {


For a detailed function description, please refer to Game Multimedia - Guide.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""