Google Play plugin usage guide

Currently, the Google Play plugin provided by Cocos SDKHub includes Game Services, In-App Payment Service, and some Account services, developers need to call the Cocos SDKHub interface at the JS layer to handle callbacks.

Account & Game Service and Payment Service in the plug-in can be used independently.

The Cocos SDKHub framework and plug-ins basically do not involve current state processing and server-side interfaces, such as whether the current user is logged in, etc., the game side needs to judge to avoid crashes caused by calling accounts and other game service interfaces when the user is not logged in. In order to perform payment verification operations on Google Play, developers need to verify the validity of the payment and decide whether to make a purchase after the successful callback call.

Google Play SDK name Current version number Description 19.0.0 Account service 21.0.0 Game Services 4.0.0 In-App Payment Service


  • Refer to the Google Play Services document, configure according to the document, and finally get the parameters from the figure and fill in the service panel.

  • If you need to use the payment service, please refer to the payment document to perform the corresponding configuration in the Google Play background

  • It needs to be tested on a mobile phone that has installed Google Mobile Services, preferably an Android native mobile phone.

Sample Project

Developers can quickly experience Cocos SDKHub through the Sample project. If developers need to access Google Play in their game projects, they can also refer to this process. Please make sure that the prep work part has been completed and the required parameters have been obtained.

Development Guide

Please refer to Cocos SDKHub-Development Guide when developing. This chapter serves as a supplementary description of Google Play plug-in features.

Account and game plugins

Please refer to Cocos SDKHub-account and game plugin when developing. This chapter serves as a supplementary description of Google Play plugin features.

Whether the current user is logged in or not, the game terminal needs to be judged to avoid crashes caused by calling the account and other interfaces of the game service when the user is not logged in.


Show Achievements

Parameter Description:

Parameter name Fill in format Description
achievement_id "5D9580837D32CB59Cxxx" Achievement ID generated after background configuration


var params = {
    "achievement_id": "5D9580837D32CB59Cxxx"

Unlock achievements

Parameter Description:

Parameter name Fill in format Description
achievement_id "5D9580837D32CB59Cxxx" Achievement ID generated after background configuration
numSteps "50" The step length of the current achievement (optional, only needed if the configured achievement is a phased achievement, otherwise don't pass it)


var params = {
    "achievementId": "5D9580837D32CB59Cxxx",
    "numSteps": "50"


Show leaderboard

Parameter Description: Optional parameter value meaning reference | Parameter name | Fill in format | Description | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | leaderboard_id | "5D9580837D32CB59Cxxx" | Leaderboard ID automatically generated after background configuration| | timeSpan | "1" | Optionally, the time span for retrieving data. Valid values are '0', '1', '2' | | collection | "0" | Optional, the collection displayed by default. Valid values are '0', '3' |


var params = {
    "leaderboard_id": "5D9580837D32CB59Cxxx",

Submit Score

Parameter Description:

Parameter name Fill in format Description
leaderboard_id "5D9580837D32CB59Cxxx" Leaderboard ID automatically generated after background configuration
score "10000" The score to be submitted to the leaderboard, the Java side is a long type.
scoreTag "ssss" Optional, optional metadata about this score. No more than 64 URI safe characters


var params = {
    "score": "6000",

The following methods need to pass Extension Method Call.


Revoke the access permissions granted to the current application.

Method name: revoke

Parameter description: No parameters are required.



Callback description:

Extended callback value msg type msg description
29 number Logout successful
30 number Logout failed
31 number The current user is not logged in
32 number Missing parameter
33 number Go back to current user callback

Payment plugin

Please refer to Cocos SDKHub-payment plugin when developing. This chapter serves as a supplementary description of the Google Play plugin features.

Pay for goods


Parameter Description:

Parameter name Fill in format Description
Product_ID "CProduct1" Product ID of the background configuration product
Sku_Type "inapp" inapp corresponds to consumable products, subs corresponds to subscription products
Order_Id "Order_Id" Order ID on development
Account_Id "Account_Id" Specify an optional obfuscated string that is uniquely associated with a user account in your application.
Role_Id "Role_Id" Specify an optional obfuscated string that is uniquely associated with the user profile in your application.

The following methods need to pass Extension Method Invocation.

Determine whether to support in-app payment

Determine whether the in-app payment method is supported. Before using in-app payment, the developer’s application needs to ask whether payment is allowed

Method name: isEnvReady

Parameter description: No parameters are required.



Consumption of goods

Method name: consume

Parameter Description:

Parameter Description:

Parameter name Fill in format Description
purchaseToken "purchaseToken" After the payment is completed, obtain the JSON string returned by the callback of the successful payment
skuType "skuType" inapp corresponds to consumable products, subs corresponds to subscription products


let ret = JSON.parse(msg)
sdkhub.getFeePlugin().callFuncWithParam("consume", {
  purchaseToken: ret.purchaseToken,

Callback description:

Extended callback value msg type msg description
9 String Consumables successfully consumed
10 String Subscription product consumption success
11 String Parameter operation
12 String Payment environment preparation callback

results matching ""

    No results matching ""